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Swimming/수영 훈련 관련

빠른 수영을 위한 호흡 향상

by Cecil Colwin

호흡 조절은 효율적인 수영을 위한 기초이다. 가수처럼, 효율적인 수행을 위해 수영인에게도 호흡 훈련이 필요하다.

Controlled breathing is the main factor contributing to swimming efficiency. Breathing control involves timing the breath within the rhythm of the stroke and ventilating the lungs for the work to be done. Many talented swimmers, with the ability to become great, fall short in this department.

For instance, in freestyle swimming, mastering the fundamentals of balance, relaxation, arm-timing, streamlining, stroke length and the effective application of power depends on a swimmer’s ability to prolong exhalation so that it blends smoothly into the total action.

The stroke movements used in swimming interfere greatly with ordinary respiration and swimmers overcome this tendency to inhibit breathing only by developing unusual respiratory powers. Tests made on expert swimmers as compared with average swimmers of a similar age show that top swimmers are superior in vital capacity, and both inspiratory strength and expiratory strength.

A survey of the swimming literature shows that most references to breathing refer either to head-turning mechanics or the frequency of breathing, but references to the actual act of breathing are sparse. The omission is understandable because breathing on land is automatic, and few realize that swimming performance can be improved by learning breathing techniques that delay the onset of fatigue and enable swimmers to adjust their breathing for specific paces and events.

Controlled breathing will help a swimmer to take a deep breath quickly and easily, and then follow with the long outward breath that provides enough time within each stroke cycle, or series of cycles, to keep the action long, loose and rhythmic. To reach the highest level of stroke fluency, even top swimmers need to pay attention to breathing effortlessly.

호흡을 제어하는 것은 수영의 효율성에 기여하는 주요 요인이다. 호흡 제어는 스트로크의 리듬에 맞춰 숨쉴 타이밍을 잡는 것과 작업을 수행하기 위해 폐를 환기시키는 것을 포함한다. 많은 재능있는 수영 선수들이 크게 성장할 수 있는 능력이지만 이 부분에서 부족하다.