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[번역]빠른 킥을 위한 8가지 팁


빠른 킥을 위한 8가지 팁

Swimming World Magazine, Sep 2005 by Goldsmith, Wayne

The role of kicking in swimming is a matter for study, research, debate and discussion, but one thing we do know: better kicking equals better swimming.

수영에서 킥의 역할은 토론과 논쟁, 연구, 학습해야할 문제이지만 우리가 알아야할 한 가지는 ‘더 나은 킥은 곧 더 나은 수영’이라는 것입니다.

There are eight key elements that will help improve your kick:

8가지 중요 요소는 당신의 킥을 개선하는데 도움을 줄 것입니다.


느슨한 다리

The key to fast swimming and fast kicking is to stay loose and relaxed.

Too many swimmers think fast kicking means hard kicking. The great swimming coach, Yoda, once said, "Unlearn what you have learned." By that, he meant that to progress-as a Jedi (and a swimmer)-you need to forget about trying harder when trying to go faster.

The faster you want to go, the more relaxed you have to be. This is especially true of kicking.

When trying to kick faster, keep your legs loose and relaxed. Increase your foot speed, but keep your legs loose and flowing.

- 빠른 발차기를 구사하기 위해서는 힘을 빼고 이완된 상태를 유지하는 것이 핵심이라고 합니다.

발차기를 할 때 힘을 빼는 것이 더 중요해진다고 합니다. 스피드를 높이는 과정에서도 강하게 차려는 생각은 잊어버리고, 발의 속도는 올리되 힘을 빼고 물 흐르듯 유연한 상태를 유지해야 한다고 합니다.


강한 엉덩이

The real power in swimming is in your hips. (Just look at the size of the muscles around your hips and butt compared to your ankles and feet!)

Great kicking starts in the hips, then the power builds and flows down your legs: hips, thighs, knees, shins, feet; hips, thighs, knees, shins, feet.

Start your kicking with a small but powerful movement of your hip, then allow the power to build as the muscles around your thighs, knees, shins and feet all join in sequence to produce real H kicking strength.

How do you practice this?

Go for a walk!

You kick the way you walk-with your hips, thighs, knees (slight bend), shins and feet working in sequence. Think about that the next time you go for a walk: "My walking is helping my swimming!"

- 수영에서 진정한 힘은 엉덩이에서 나온다고 합니다.

엉덩이에서 힘을 발생시켜 넓적다리와 무릎, 정강이, 발 순으로 전달되어 갑니다. 이를 연습하기 위해서는 ‘걷기’가 최선이라고 합니다. 그냥 걷는 것이 아니라 앞서 순서대로 힘이 전달받게 걷는 것입니다.



Rhythm is the crucial element in all efficient movements.

Start simply. When kicking in backstroke and freestyle, count, "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4," and so on to start to develop a consistent kicking rhythm.

In breaststroke, use a rhythmic mental "chant" like, "Long and strong, long and strong, long and strong" or "Reach long, kick strong reach long, kick strong; reach long, kick strong" to develop flow and real rhythm.

Music really helps. When you start kicking practice, imagine a song that has the same beat and rhythm as your kicking, then beat out the rhythm with your feet as you practice.

- 리듬은 효율적인 움직임을 위해 매우 중요한 요소라고 합니다.

간단한 방법으로 배영과 자유형에서는 킥을 차는 중에 "1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4," 이렇게 수를 세며 리듬감을 익힙니다.

평영에서는 "Long and strong, long and strong, long and strong" 혹은 "Reach long, kick strong reach long, kick strong; reach long, kick strong" 이렇게 리듬감을 익힙니다.

발차기에 음악은 많은 도움이 되는데, 같은 비트와 리듬의 음악을 듣거나 머릿속에 되뇌며 연습하는 것이 좋다고 합니다.


긴 다리

Long legs can build kicking power more effectively than short legs.

Knowing this fact, you obviously have two options:

* Have plastic surgery to add some inches to the length of your legs; or

* Keep your own legs long (and loose) when you kick. (This is obviously a far better and cheaper option than having plastic surgery!)

Try to keep your legs as long as possible, as often as possible in the water. Point your toes-but without tension-and stretch your toes toward the wall behind you with each kick.

- 킥을 찰 때 힘을 뺀 상태로 뒤로 쭉쭉 뻗어주는 것이 효율적이라고 합니다.

가능한 오래 그 자세를 유지하는 것이 좋고, 발가락까지 쭉 뻗은 상태를 만들기 위해 스트레칭을 틈나는데로 자주자주 해주시는 것이 좋습니다.



Flexibility allows you to get into efficient swimming positions with little or no effort.

Flexibility is not only important for minimizing injuries, but in terms of kicking, it means that you can keep your legs long and loose and build power in a flowing sequence from hips to toes.

Work on flexibility everyday, particularly around your hips, thighs, knees, shins and especially your feet. Great kickers tend to have loose, flexible ankles.

- 유연성은 적은 노력으로 효율적인 수영을 가능하게 합니다.

부상을 예방하기 위해서 뿐만 아니라 킥을 차는 순간에도 유연성이 매우 중요합니다. 빠른 선수들은 대부분 느슨하고 유연한 발목을 가지고 있지요.



Get stronger.

Great kicking is a combination of three things:

* Long legs: Technique

* Loose legs: Flexibility

* Strong legs: Strength Training

The combination of these factors makes a great kicker. Strong legs without flexibility will not work. Loose legs without power will not work. You need all three to achieve optimal kicking efficiency.

Why not ride your bike to practice or school three times a week? Or take up cross country running during the winter? Perhaps you can start a leg power program at the local gym with a trained and qualified instructor.

But most importantly: when you train, do plenty of quality kicking with great technique all year-round!

- 강력한 킥을 구사하기 위해서는 3가지가 조화를 이뤄야 합니다.

길게 뻗어 찰 수 있는 테크닉과 힘을 빼고 느슨하게 찰 수 있는 유연성 그리고 체력 훈련으로 단련된 강한 다리입니다.

체력을 위해 여러 가지 트레이닝을 하지만 가장 중요한 것은 일년내내 거르지 않고 제대로 된 기술로 올바른 킥을 충분히 차는 것이라고 합니다.


빠른 킥

During your workouts, kick as you swim. Practice fast kicks.

Try some timed kick goal sets. Try to achieve your kicking goals and standards with the same determination and passion as you do when you chase your swimming goals. Here are some sample kicking sets:

* Kick 4 × 25 meters (with fins) on 45 seconds. Add the times from each 25. Try to make the combined time less than your personal best (PB) swim time. When you can achieve this goal, make the rest period shorter-for example, 4 × 25 meters on 40 seconds, then 4 × 25 meters on 35 seconds. Then try it without fins!

* Kick 50 meters within 10 seconds of your PB swim time. Then aim for PB plus 9, then 8 and so on. How close can you get your 50 meter PB kick time to your 50 meter PB swim time?

* How far can you kick in your 100 meter PB time?

100M 수영개인최고기록 안에서 킥으로 얼마나 멀리 갈 수 있나요?

 50 meters = OK

 55 meters = Fair

 60 meters = Good

 65 meters = Very good

 70 meters = Excellent

 75 meters = Outstanding

 More than 80 meters = Call FINA collect and tell them!

* How fast can you kick 200 meters of your best stroke?

주 종목 발차기로 200M를 얼마나 빨리 갈 수 있나요?

 Over 5 minutes = Work harder on your kick

 4:45-5:00=OK

 4:30-4:45=Fair

 4:15-4:30=Good

 4:00-4:15=Verygood

 3:45-4:00=Excellent

 3:30-3:45=Outstanding

 3:15-3:30=Unbelievable

 3:00-3:15=World-class

 Under 3 minutes = World Record Holder!

- 운동 중에는 수영할 때처럼 발차기 연습을 할 때도 빠르게 차야한다고 합니다.

*첫 번째 예로 들 연습법은 핀 끼고 발차기 ‘4 × 25 meters‘에 각 25M를 45초에 주파하는 것입니다. 수영개인최고기록(PB)에 휴식시간을 덧붙인 것으로 수월해지면 초를 앞당기고 35초정도까지 수월해지면, 핀 없이 같은 방식으로 시행합니다.

*두 번째 연습법은 50M킥을 PB에 10초를 덧붙여 달성하고, 얼마나 근접할 수 있는가 차이를 줄이는 것입니다.



It is important to maintain momentum when kicking underwater off the wall.

In butterfly, backstroke and freestyle, master these three crucial kicking underwater techniques:

* Kicking underwater.

Underwater fly kick needs to be fast and powerful with strong kicking in both directions. The kicks should be relatively small-ideally, not much deeper or wider than your hips.

* Kicking to the surface.

As you start to move toward the surface, keep kicking fast, powerfully and deliberately. Do not allow your body simply to "pop" up to the surface.

* Kicking into your first stroke.

This is the most important part of the underwater kicking process. The speed you generate under the water must be as close as possible to the speed you want to achieve as you explode from the water into your first stroke. When racing freestyle or backstroke, try to have your underwater fly kicking speed as close as possible to the kicking speed of your full stroke swimming

- 벽을 박차고 나와 잠영 킥을 찰 때 추진력을 유지하는 것이 중요합니다.

잠영 킥은 빠르고 힘 있게 차야 되지만 엉덩이보다 깊거나 넓게 차서는 안 됩니다.

물에 뛰어들었을 때와 마찬가지로 의도적으로 빠르고 힘 있는 킥을 유지해야하며 쉽게 수면위로 떠올라서는 안 됩니다.

자유형이나 배영 레이스 중 잠영 킥을 찰 때 가능한 풀 스트롴 속도에 가깝게 차야 된다고 합니다.